Think Tank on Innovative Communication for Social Change
November 21 – 23. 2024
Pymble (near Sydney)
Many of us are concerned about climate change, disastrous ecological trends, and now war. It is clear that we are at an inflection point where we either change direction, or possibly do ourselves in. The future is not looking bright for coming generations.
But what to do? There is no simple answer.
But for starters it might be useful to set a goal of evolving a compassionate ecologically sustainable society – a society that operates within planetary boundaries, and actually takes care of its members.
We will start the Think Tank with nuanced explorations of various possible leverage points and theories of change. Many different perspectives will come into play – all the more so given the varied background and knowledge we all bring to the conversation. Some of our conversations may be contentious – but, we may hope, friendly. We have common concern for our future well-being.
As an outcome, some or all of us may choose to align to communicate to affect public understanding of our polycrisis and what we might do to change course. What strategies, tactics and communication tools might we use? What resources do we have?
Our intention is to mobilize public will to do what it takes to turn things around to the extent still possible.
There are many dimensions. These files may be useful as background.
General registration opens Monday, 12 August. Some places will be filled by a personal invitation before then.
Expressions of interest are welcome. Please send an email to [email protected]
indicating your background and interest in the Think Tank.