We presume that you are here because you recognise that humanity is in an ecological emergency.
Our intention, which we hope you will help with,
is to inspire thoughtful mainstream commitment to turning things around
to the extent still possible.
Humanity is under great pressure to evolve because it is our only chance for survival as a species.
Becoming an Evolutionary Catalyst describes our approach in detail. A flyer is here.
The Resources section of this website provides communication tools.

We think that communication that improves people’s thinking is essential for success. This idea is based on the insight that people’s behaviour is based on their understanding of the world. If folks have a realistic understanding of our current circumstance (combined with caring), they will do sensible things.
Inspiring Transition is a platform to support thought leaders and volunteer citizen-educators in helping people come to grips with the profound changes that are necessary for our future survival.
We provide purpose-built communication tools, including Kitchen Table Conversations.
Through these conversations, we prepare people mentally and emotionally to support leadership to change the really big drivers of environmental decline, including policies accelerating economic growth.
How can we ‘mass produce’ the conversations and thinking that will lead to a transformed culture? To take it to scale, we envision members of the millions of groups that care about environmental and social well-being conducting personal conversations with their friends, neighbours and business colleagues.
ce you care about the future, we would like to think that you will want to lend your influence to this. How you do this is up to you (there are many possibilities), but two important roles are:
* Conducting Kitchen Table Conversations
* Outreach to engage leaders.
We provide materials to get started.
How the Evolutionary Catalyst movement blossomed – a story presents a vision of success.
We will know we are gaining traction when we see that major decisions are justified on the basis of preserving the planet and cultivating social well-being. We will have succeeded when environmental indicators show that we are operating within planetary boundaries. A tall order! Nothing less will do.